

Confirmation is about ENTRY into the Parish Faith Community, not EXIT. Confirmation is one of the 3 sacraments of Christian Initiation. These sacraments, (Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist), welcome a person into the community of believers in Jesus Christ, called the Church (which is the Parish at local level), and initiate that person into the Mission of Jesus Christ.

Confirmation renews and strengthens the Gifts of the Holy Spirit already received at Baptism, (Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgement, Courage, Knowledge, Reverence, Wonder & Awe).

The Church views the role of parents in religious formation of children as both a privilege and an obligation. When you presented your child to the Church for Baptism, you were distinctly reminded that you have the responsibility to “bring [your child] up in the practice of the faith” (Rite of Baptism 56). This privilege and obligation extends to all sacrament preparation.

The 3 Partners in the religious formation of your child are:

Home, School & Parish.

What we are asking of you is to invest in your child’s Journey towards Confirmation. We, the Parish, will try to show you how to invest wisely by providing you with certain tools.

We also ask that every Family resolve to participate in Sunday Mass.

**For any adult seeking Confirmation, please read our RCIA section of the website or contact the parish catechist.**

4 thoughts on “Confirmation

  1. hello i am katie keeley s mam and i was just want to know if the confirmation is going ahead on the 29th of august thank u


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